Worth It
Look in the mirror and tell us what you see. Do you see a lost little girl or boy, or do you see a badass motha? I’ll tell you what we see, a badass motha! You know why? Because you were made that way. You are uniquely different and uniquely amazing. You are a divine creator. Greatness lives inside you. You may not believe it, and you may think we’re full of shit, and yet we still believe in you.
In the grand scheme of things, we are one, we are all connected. We didn’t always believe in ourselves, in our worth, in our greatness...or in yours for that matter. For most of our lives, we abided by the outside world’s conditions, we allowed those conditions to affect our thoughts and actions and ignored the fire burning within. So, naturally that fire dwindled to the point where you couldn’t see it and we couldn’t feel it.
And then, we started to feed it. We started to listen to our passions and pursue them, to take care of our bodies and nourish them, to learn about our world and seek truth, to connect to our consciousness and awaken, to create from our hearts and inspire. In short, we started living again. This time from the inside out. This time for ourselves. We got fired up for all the things that we identified as missing in ourselves and the world, and we took action to be the change we wished to see. And all it took was realizing that we are worth it!
Now, we ignite the spirit, now we empower others to stand in their greatness, now we co-create the world we want to see. We run our engines hot, and it is so cool! Ready to get fired up and start living for yourself?
Feel your rhythm, feel your ride, get on up, it’s action time…You’re Worth It!!
If we can do it, you can do it
You're already doing it
Three years ago, when we were still toiling away at our jobs, dreaming of quitting to go travel the world, did we think we’d actually be able to do it? We were confronted and bombarded by thoughts and comments like, what if we can’t get as good of a job when we are done traveling, will employers think we are slackers that screwed around for a year, it’s too risky to leave all that security behind, what if something crazy happens in the world while we’re traveling, what if we fail, what if we run out of money, do we want to leave what most would consider a good life, what if…you get the point.
Not gonna lie, it took a little faith. Those questions we were asking ourselves amounted to our egos putting fear and illusion in our minds to keep the status quo. Your ego demands the status quo because you are safe there, you are alive. But are you really though?
We can tell you that our lives now are immeasurably more fulfilling, that we are far more successful by our view of what that means, that we have a sense of purpose, we have more drive and motivation, and we are more connected to ourselves and the world. We’ve made the decision to say yes to ourselves, and we are Big Adventure L-I-V-I-N!
Now, it is not lost on us that you may be saying, “Good for y’all, BUT I could never do this because my situation, my circumstance, my money, my time, my commitments, my family, my (insert your justification).” AND we would tell you, “Yes you can, you are worthy, we have faith in you.” If you can’t find it in yourself initially, borrow our faith for a minute so you can get a little for yourself.
Here's a FUN Fact, “If we can do it, you can do it.” Whatever IT is. Whether you realize it yet or not, you’re already doing it. In this section of the site, we share how we’re living that inside-out life — learning, nourishing, and creating.
We don’t know what we don’t know. The only way to be wrong is to think we’re right. We let it go to let it grow.
Have you told you lately that you love you? Our ability to serve others is directly correlated to our self-care — mind, body, spirit. You can’t pour from an empty cup.
We are all divine creators of infinite possibility. Whatever magic you have bottled up, time to make it appear. Take action on those dreams.