We are the people of Fire Up Nation. We ignite the human spirit. Our mission is to empower others to live in Love and not fear. We do this by being the change we wish to see in the world, change that starts within.

It comes from an inspired heart, from the Love that is the source of us All. We have the power of a made up mind and a made up heart, and nothing in the Universe can stop the power of a made up mind and a made up heart working together. That is the foundation of Fire Up Nation.

Our logo represents this foundation, the freedom from who we thought we were in our minds to the knowingness that we are Love. And as Love is infinite connection, it is unbound and untamed, like the fire burning inside each of us.

We remember our connection to God and to one another, and as we hold the torch to light the path for others, our fire builds into a community of powerful leaders that are co-creating a new world that is free from fear and unified in Love.

We are Liberated, We are Invigorated, We are Elevated.

And as we make our journey through this life, our movement empowers others to turn within, to return to their heart, and to remember, You’re the Ember. Fire Up!

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Step out of your small and into your Big.
You are meant to do Big things. Live like it.

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