Thankful for the journey Thankful for the steps Thankful for the shallows That led me to the depths. Thankful for the normal Thankful for the strange Thankful for the static That pushed me into change. Thankful for the day Thankful for the night Thankful for the darkness That showed me to the Light. Thankful for the joy Thankful for the…
I Am Us and You are We Our Infinite Possibility Resides beyond what eyes can see A Vision of Perfect clarity. I Am Light to point the way Providing space for our dreams to play Shining brightness into the day Listening for what our hearts may say. I Am For you, not against Perpetually here, no distance All on purpose,…
Fear not says the man I’ve got you covered Put your mind at ease No need to hurry Or stew in your worry Your feelings are transitory Spend not says the man Invest in the dollar It provides stability Money in the bank Is a safe as a tank Inflation is transitory Prepare not says the man Consume all you…
As we reflect on our travels since June of last year, we’re filled with a Big sense of gratitude. Our journey has already been transformational, and it’s still just beginning. After we quit our jobs in March 2020 to travel the world, only to have our last day be the day the world shut down, we were scared. We had…
Sovereign you are An eternal soul A powerful being Part of the whole. Love you are An unlimited force A divine creator Part of the source. Student you are Here to learn To free your mind To your heart return. Teacher you are Here to stand In light and truth With extended hand.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I remember that verse from youth group back in the day. It speaks to God’s word lighting up the path to guide you. To paraphrase, it says let Love be a Lighthouse and guide your ship. A Lighthouse, as a structure, is tall, strong, grounded deeply,…
“How are you getting to travel?” We’ve been asked this quite a bit over the last year and a half, considering the state of the world. And the simple response is because we choose to. We choose to live our lives in Love, not in fear. We stay healthy (and in turn do our part for the greater good) by…
I start living freely When I adventure out, When I read a book, When I tune in to the sounds of nature When I fully appreciate myself. I start living freely When I acknowledge my worth When I stand for the faith of others. I start living freely When I liberate from complacency Taking new steps down unfamiliar paths When…
“Damn you Warrior Woman!!” I cursed at the painting on the living room wall as I grabbed for the toe I just stubbed on the couch leg. Her big eye just stared at me, her bright red lips pursed as if she could attack at any second. She looked so much more peaceful in the window of the art gallery…
With all our belongings either in storage or in the car, we set off for Plano to see my family for a couple days before heading off to Lake Powell for the houseboat trip. We had the obligatory Mi Cocina dinner and practiced setting up our recently-purchased North Face Wawona 6 tentin the yard so we wouldn’t look like such…